- : [email protected]
- : http://www.lloydmarino.com
- : https://twitter.com/LloydMarino
- : P.O. Box 10065, Marina del Rey, CA 90295
Technology has important effects on business operations. No matter the size of your enterprise, technology has both tangible and intangible benefits that will help you make money and produce the results your customers demand. Technological infrastructure affects the culture, efficiency and relationships of a business. It also affects the security of confidential information and trade advantages.
Mr. Marino is a “Tech Whisperer,” a true master at translating and communicating byzantine technical processes that elude even the savviest business minds into language they can grasp.
The clientele for Mr. Marino’s critical message and services consists of the heaviest hitters in the interconnected worlds of business, finance, technology, government, NGO, and the military. Mr. Marino is equally conversant in the languages of business and technology, therefore senior executives on both the management and tech sides of today’s completely data-dependent marketplace, regularly call on him to solve complex, data-driven problems. CEOs, CFO’s, IT chiefs, and network engineers alike require a guide through the maze of data challenges occasioned by the expanding boom of data mining opportunities and obstacles. Two years ago, experts insisted that all available data came into circulation between 2011 and 2013—at that rate, in 2015, we believe it’s likely that Internet, Cloud, and private data storage has become exponentially more saturated with data. In short: Data is king. But the king requires a counselor. Mr. Marino is the consigliore to the king. He brings to the table a quarter century of experience working in senior management roles, including service as Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Officer for various organizations ranging from emerging growth startups to Fortune 500 companies.
With passion and intelligence, Lloyd speaks about redefining your technology limits and removing the barriers that stand in the way of success. Clients often use Lloyd to inspire their management or operations teams and for his view point on technology, innovative drive, motivation and leadership.
Lloyd has two books hitting the market this year, ``How to tame the flood of Big Data``, & ``Practical Security for Business Leaders``. Keep an eye out.
Lloyd is Technically Bilingual, he understands your business and how to apply technology to bridge the gap.
Consumerization and the Tablet
Companies also often receive pressure from the top-down to accommodate for whatever devices consumers are using.
The Infinite Data Center
Racks are getting denser, performance per kilowatt is increasing, and smaller data centers are able to handle more.
Resource Management
Energy management will become an enterprise-level discipline by 2017, which will be enabled by energy management information systems.
Mobile devices are not PCs, and though security remains a challenge, the variety of devices users demand platforms on makes building portals more difficult.
Hybrid Clouds
While, through 2013, more than 60 percent of I.T. adoption of the cloud will be to redeploy current applications, a shift will take place beyond that to exploit private and hybrid cloud techniques.
Big Data
Organizations have struggled dealing with Big Data on both fronts: I.T. needs to manage it effectively and the business side needs to know how to use it.
Fabric Data Centers 80%
I.T. Complexity 70%
The End of Service Desks 90%
Technology Security 80%
Big Data 99%
Virtual and Software-Defined Networks 60%
Big Data Ecology
Forbes Mention – March 23rd 2017
How Big Data And Tech Will Improve Agriculture, From Farm To Table
Huffington Post Mention – November 4th 2016
How to Overcome Your Entrepreneurial Fears
Wired Magazine – Mention – October 06, 2016
An Italian rapper, a 'hangman's noose' and a $250m lawsuit: the chaotic race to build Elon Musk's hyperloop
Huffington Post Aug 17th 2016
Can Governments Innovate the Way to Zero Vehicle Emissions?
Huffington Post Article – Saving the World with Big Data and the Global Seed Vault
Saving the World with Big Data and the Global Seed Vault
Digital Guardian July 26th 2016
Digital Guardian July 26th 2016
CBC News – Technology & Science
Featured on CBC News
Business Rockstars – Insiders Feb 10th
Big Data Ecology: Optimizing Information for Maximizing Profits
Big Data Ecology: Optimizing Information for Maximizing Profits
The Bob Pritchard Radio Show – Jan 26th
The Bob Pritchard Radio Show
We listen to your requirements.
We learn your processes and procedures, we learn about your business.
We optimize solutions to bridge the business to technology gap.
Yield Management
Based on understanding of your business, anticipating and influence of consumer behavior in order to maximize your revenue or profits.
Deliver results on time and on budget.